• Hello dear friends, below is a great article i found on an informative Facebook group called Y' Count Campaign. I spent time reading the entire article and I never regretted it.
    This article was written by JIM AKINLEYE

    I know you must be wondering what my article is all about. Is it intelligence, gossip, morals, global politics or just the usual ramblings of a global entrepreneur?

    If you take the information presented here as an inquest into global issues; so be it.

    If you view it as wisdom; open up and you’ll be filled as the words gush out from the heavens of my fountain pen.

    The Laws of Gravity says everything that goes up will come down right. Galilei Galileo propounded that law years ago, some hundred years later; a group of young men, 25 in number broke that Law. They’ve created what I call the’ Law of Barcelona.’ Let me let you in on the new law as propounded by one of the greatest Football Scientist that has ever lived by my account. He has been able to test moves that works and stuck with those that got him result. His name is Lionel Messi and he made this statement on the football pitch in Camp Nou on the 6th of April, 2012. He summed it up in five words- ‘whatever goes up stays up.’

    How true is that?

    Can I really go up and stay up?

    Can I engage in an endeavour and stay on top of my game forever?

    Can I top my class from my freshman years till I graduate?

    Can I be the top salesperson in my company till I retire?

    Can I become the Billionaire till death do me part?

    I don’t know how true that is, right? No, I do.

    Check these amazing facts out.

    1. Bill Gates has been amongst the top 5 richest men in the world for more than two decades and hasn’t fallen off the cliff.

    2. Donald Trump has been the King of Real Estate in New York since the early 80’s and is still on top.

    3. Kobe Bryant would be 36years this year and he has played in all All Stars games ever since he got into the NBA.

    4. Lionel Messi has been carrying trophies since 2006 and is bound to lift more this year.

    What are you thinking?

    Can an uneducated young man from a small city called Rosario really make an age long belief irrelevant?

    Can he really make years of research in the sciences archaic?

    I think you know the answer to that question?

    But, do you know the answer to this question- ‘why did D’banj leave Don Jazzy?’

    I’m a big fan of good beats- the snares, the kicks and the synchronized instruments that all make up a track. It’s great stuff I tell you, but I have big issues with the obscene words used in those tracks.

    I realized what I say becomes what I do. I can’t be talking about sleeping with 10 women and expect to keep a wife at home, it’s almost commonsensical, right? Wrong!

    No! Okay, let’s go to the issue on ground first, deal with that later.

    D’banj is a musical artiste of the emerging entertainment industry in Nigeria, while Don Jazzy used to be his producer and very good friend. D’banj whose real name is Dapo Daniel Oyebanjo, while Don Jazzy whose name is Michael Collins Ajereh have both been amongst the top performers in the Nigerian music industry until now.

    ‘Everyone needs a coach. The chef that adds the cherry on your cake!’

    2pac had Dre; Kanye has Jay-z; Asa had Cobhams; Maze had P.diddy; Justin Beiber has Usher. You need someone to look out for you, the unfortunate thing in most show business relationships is that the higher you go, the more money you make- the more autonomy you desire and the more respect you demand.

    ‘Why did D’banj leave Don Jazzy?’

    I don’t know yet, but was it a wise thing to do?

    Well, first the brand is damaged that’s for sure. Law 12 in the 48 Laws of Power says ‘Make people dependent on you.’ Don Jazzy did that well with his beats, his voice in the background and even in his demeanour in the videos. Everything D’banj touched seemed to turn to gold as long as Don Jazzy was involved. He also created the Mo’hits brand and groomed it into a well respected brand in Africa before grooming the individuals underneath Mo’hits.

    Most of the fans recognize the logo of the brand and what it stands for than they recognize the dance step of his cash cow- D’banj. The move might not have been intentional on the part of Don Jazzy, but it was a positive mistake. D’banj’s relevance was groomed under the Mo’hits brand, which makes him a subset of the mother set- Mo’hits.

    Where the mother set has elements ranging from a Dr. Sid, D’prince, WC, K-Switch and D’banj- who obviously is the most valuable element in the group.

    But the puzzle we’re trying to solve now is – ‘why did D’banj leave Don Jazzy?’

    I must say D’banj is a terrible singer, but a terrific entertainer; but yet again all this was done with his incisive coach beside him. But, I have a theory. I somehow believe Don Jazzy planned this all along. Because, he knew his weaknesses, he played him well and hung him out to dry. Why else, would he make someone famous, include him in every track the guy ever made- imprinting his name on his success history forever? (Reminds me of what Timberland did for the careers of Nelly Frutardo and Justin Timberlake in 2006) But, Don Jazzy didn’t stop there; he also got D’banj to sign one of the most irritating contracts ever signed by a Nigerian act.

    How do you pay a record label millions of dollars for signing you up?

    How does a super act in Nigeria end up as a backup singer in America for an obscure track? Such is the fate of D’banj ever since he got signed by Kanye West...all these are going on while Don Jazzy is co-producing a track for West and Jay-z.

    ‘Why did D’banj leave Don Jazzy?’

    I’m still busy painting my Mona Lisa, but are you getting the picture now?

    Don Jazzy knew Americans won’t buy a C.D just because you’re saying ‘hunh hunh.’ Going to America to sign a contract with the Great Kanye West was the perfect bait and D’banj bought it, only to realize that he had been played and is now the laughing stock of the entire entertainment industry back home in Nigeria. Here is a hypothetical scenario of the ‘before meets after’ - he confronts Don Jazzy for an explanation, he gets none; words are exchanged, punches are used and bam...9years business machinery sinks in less than 20mins breaking the Titanic record.

    D’banj looks like the victim based on my story, maybe he is, and maybe he’s not. I don’t pick sides in my profession, I just analyze and present to you both facts and fiction.

    You decide!

    Your choice is very important, but I have one last fish to fry here.

    Do you know that the biggest bank in the world is a bank called the U.S Global Bank? Have you heard about them? I think not.

    Well, what they do is crudely elementary- grant aids to developing countries making them dependent on the American nation for years to come.

    They have staffs everywhere in the world and presently; they’re about choosing a new President to lead this gargantuan corporation. The only problem now is that foreigners who had stayed long in the bank are also vying for the seat and a lot of the mini stakeholders are endorsing them.

    I’m talking about the U.S Global Bank known round the world as the World Bank. Now, you know what I’m talking about? I call them the U.S Bank because- all of the past presidents have been Americans, the headquarters is in Washington, a trek able distance away from the White House and most importantly; U.S is their largest shareholder.

    Need I say more?

    Ever since the race for the new World Bank President started, the media and experts have given the seat to the nominated Korean American Physicist- Dr. Jim Yong Kim on a platter of gold.

    Their analysis is simple and direct. The selection processes require votes from the bank’s executive board and guess who controls the largest share of votes? Yes, you’re correct. America does! Besides Robert Zoellick- the outgoing president stated in an interview that ‘America needs to have some positions at the global institutions for the country to keep supporting the institution.’ In order words, for the World Bank (or the U.S Bank as Americans see it) to stay afloat- an American or an American puppet has to be at the helm of Affairs. This is from the same America under the same Barack Obama that preaches democracy on every station we tune to; that sang the famous Martin Luther King Jnr. famous speech that canvassed for equality to men and women irrespective of their colour in America.

    We all know America is the big brother of the world and they decide what’s good for us all whether we like it or hate it, but must they always show other countries how powerless they really are in world affairs.

    Big brother has two rules:

    Rule 1: I’m always right.

    Rule 2: In case I’m not, check Rule 1 again.

    For the greater good we’ve let all kinds of things slide, not this one. We’re talking about macroeconomic issues, sectoral issues in agriculture, manufacturing, enterprise and development. How can a public health expert tackle global youth unemployment? He doesn’t have the bureaucratic knowledge or the knowledge of the institution to make that happen. How can a Physicist have the requisite skills and experience to lead such ahead of a former Managing Director and a former finance minister just because the two of them are not Americans?

    As Dr. Iweala put it in her own words ‘you’re looking for the best and not just the acceptable.’ Experience matters a lot in a job like this and not nationality. Dr. Iwaela might not be the best Economist in the world, but she is the most experienced Economist at the World Bank that is qualified for the job. Her other contender from Columbia- Jose Antonio Campo is equally qualified and his pedigree says a lot about experience at high level positions at regional, national and global level as he rightfully pointed out in a recent interview, but his limited experience at the bank also cast doubts at his candidacy.

    ‘Every citizen of the world from any member country of the World bank- should have the right to be elected to the presidency through a merit based process’ – Jose Antonio Campo.

    The World has changed and America needs to understand that.

    Barcelona might have changed one of the most sacred laws in the universe, Don Jazzy might have succeeded in stirring one of the biggest controversies in the Nigerian entertainment world; but I think the U.S can avert a string of events that could hurt the World Bank in the nearest future by just hearing the other candidates out.

    I think the developing nations do have a say and ignoring them at this moment would be a very bad move.

    What do you think?

    Thank you for taking your time to read through, please feel free to share your thoughts with me.
    Happy Easter to everyone